TDP lamp is a type of far infrared lamp. It is often called the Miracle Lamp, as it helps with pain relief and treats Common Cold, Impotence and Premature Ejaculation, Paralysis, Diarrhea and Indigestion, Post-Operative Infiltration, Incision Infection, Soft Tissue Trauma, Burns, Insect Bites, Chilblain(Frostbite), Keloid, Ulcer, Tissues Adhesions, Bedsores, Vasculitis, Phlebitis, Acute Lymphangitis, Acute Lymphadenitis, Bone Fractures, Calcaneal Spurs, Costochondritis, Sprain and Contusion of Soft Tissues, Lumbar Muscle Strain, Lumbar Intervertebral Disc Herniation, Tenosynovitis, Myofibrosis, Frozen Shoulder, Disease of Cervical Vertebra, Tendinitis, Tendovaginal Cysts, Mastitis, Cystitis,Prostatitis, Hemorrhoids (Piles, Haemorrhoids), Eczema, Contact Dermatitis, Neurodermatitis, Herpes Zoster, Acute Catarrhal Otitis Media, Disease of the Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ disease), Rheumatoid Arthritis, Bell's Palsy, Migraine, Neurasthenia, Rheumatic Arthritis, Hiccups, Retention of Urine, Vulvitis, Perineal Laceration, Pruritus Vuluvas, Dysmenorrhea, Menopause Syndrome, Postpartum Lumbago, Railworm of the Nails, Mouse Hand, etc. In the Internet Age, Frozen Shoulder, Mouse Hand, Disease of Cervical Vertebra and Lumbar Muscle Strain are common diseases because of long time of using mobile, computer, laptop,e-book and lack of enough exercises. As an alternative medicine treatment. TDP lamps were invented by a group of Chinese scientists, headed by Mr. Gou Wenbin in 1985. TDP lamps create mineral infrared waves that treat numerous ailments, a few common ones being back pain, shoulder pain, joint pain and arthritis. Unlike other conventional far infrared lamps, except for the support stand and the heater a TDP lamp contains a curing plate. The curing plate, the key component for a TDP lamp, is coated with a proprietary mineral formation consisting of 33 elements essential to the human body. When the curing plate is heated to a certain temperature, it emits unique bio-spectrum electromagnetic waves in 1-25 microns allowing for a maximum absorption into the human body. The absorbed energy promotes microcirculation and metabolism, strengthens the immune system, and achieves short- and long-term pain relief. Nowadays TDP lamps are widely used by acupuncturists, therapists, and individuals on pain relief. In the past 30 years, TDP lamps have been used to treat over millions of patients with various chronic ailments worldwide. In China, people refer to the TDP lamp as the "Miracle Lamp" due to its incredible success in treating chronic ailments.
TDP lamp and infrared lamp are widely used in households, clinics, and hospitals.
The application scopes for hospitals:
1.Department of internal medicine
Cold, bronchitis, asthma, pneumonia, rheumarthritis , rheumatoid arthritis, vasculitis, central retinochoroiditis , nasosinusitis , perichondritis of auricle, tonsillitis, parotitis, furuncle, paronychia, periodontitis, mastitis, tuberculosis, edema, diarrhea, hyperthyroidism, constipation, inhibited urination, urinary incontinence in the elderly, urinary retention, anemia, bacillary dysentery, stomachache, vomiting, hiccup, jaundice, pancreatitis Gastric ulcer, Gastric and duodenal ulcers , gastroptosis, biliary ascariasis, coronary heart disease, angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, cerebral thrombosis, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, hepatitis, diabetes, cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, dyspepsia, etc.
2.Department of pediatrics
Infantile diarrhea, pediatric pneumonia, pertussis, pediatric food accumulation, pediatric weakness, pediatric chorea, pediatric hernia, pediatric enuresis, thrush, infantile keratitis, neonatal scleroderma, etc.
3.Department of surgery
stiff neck , cervical spondylosis, lumbar muscle strain, Frozen Shoulder, tendon cartilage inflammation, tenosynovitis, lumbar disc herniation, bone hyperplasia, urinary tract stones, acute and chronic soft tissue injuries, fractures, non union, delayed healing and non healing of fractures, chronic appendicitis, hemorrhoids, prolapse of anus , mastitis, postoperative infection, long-term wound non healing, frostbite, chilblain, burn, pressure ulcer, etc.
4.Department of neurology
Neurasthenia, epidemics, epilepsy, stroke, dizziness, headache, migraine, insomnia, forgetfulness, facial paralysis, peripheral facial nerve paralysis, facial nerve paralysis, motion sickness, trigeminal neuralgia, peripheral neuritis, sciatica, rib neuralgia, post-traumatic brain injury, cerebral vascular accident hemiplegia, etc.
5.Department of dermatology
Neurodermatitis, eczema, extensive skin eczema, eczema with infection, herpes zoster , acne, alopecia areata, vitiligo, skin ulcers, psoriasis, chronic skin erosion, herpes simplex, skin sac inflammation , Hong Kong feet(athlete's feet; crow's feet),extensive malignant nevi, scleroderma, etc.
6.Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
pelvic infection , appendagitis, vaginitis, cervicitis, dysmenorrhea, irregular menstruation, amenorrhea, dysfunctional uterine bleeding(DUB), morbid leucorrhea, uterine prolapse, infertility, oviduct obstruction, secondary infertility, vulva leukoplakia, pregnancy reaction, fetal malposition, persistent afterbirth(resting placenta), abnormal postpartum urination, Postpartum Urinary Retention, postpartum milk deficiency, perineum laceration or lateral injury, etc.
7.Department of Andrology
Prostatitis, sexual dysfunction , excessive nocturnal emission, impotence, premature ejaculation, decreased sperm count, unknown scrotal swelling, male infertility, and improvement of semen quality are particularly effective for men with impotence, premature ejaculation, and weak libido. Its effect is significantly better than various ED drugs and treatment instruments currently available on the market.
8.Department of Cosmetology
Weight loss in the waist and legs, freckles, age spots, chloasma (liver spot), and pigmentation at wounds.
TDP Lamp were awarded the Gold Medal in the 1986 at the Zagreb international Fair in former Yugoslavia and in the December of same year it was awarded silver medal at the 35 Brussels Eureka World for Invention. In 1988 the device was accepted by the FDA (FDA 510K) for use in the United States and has been used by doctors to treat millions of patients with promising results. TDP Lamps are classified as an infrared lamp, under the Federal Regulations [21 CFR 890.5500] and they have a CPT code 97026 for doctors to bill insurance providers. The TDP curing plate-state invention patent (No.85100830.5).
Our FDA 510K No.K043558, Listing No.D012826.
Up to now, we have clients from over 55 countries for our TDP lamps and infrared lamps. In EU, we have existing clients from UK, France, Germany, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Cyprus, Hungary, Poland, Belgium, Holland, Switzerland, Ireland, Czech, Slovak and Austria for 10 years, and China, Korea, India, Singapore, Thailand, Cambodia, Viet Nam, Indonesia, Malaysia, etc in Asia, and Australia, New Zealand in Oceania, and USA and Canada in North America, and Libya, Morocco in Africa.
Approvals: Free Sales Certificate, UL, FDA 510K,ETL,CUL,TGA,CE0123, RoHS, CE0197,TUV ISO13485,etc.
110/120V, 60HZ
For USA, CQ-27,CQ-29, CQ-35, CQ-36,CQ-55A ,available-for-sale.
For Canada: CQ-12,CQ-27,CQ-29,CQ-32,CQ-36,CQ-55A can be sold.
220V,60HZ are available for some countries.
Item |
Model |
CQ-12/CQ-12A |
CQ-27 |
CQ-29 |
CQ-32 |
CQ-33 |
CQ-35 |
CQ-36 |
CQ-55A |
Power Range |
ac.220V/50Hz |
ac.220V/50Hz |
ac.220V/50Hz |
ac.220V/50Hz |
ac.220V/50Hz |
ac.220V/50Hz |
ac.220V/50Hz |
ac.220V/50Hz |
Spectrum Range/phase wavelength |
2μm-25μm |
2μm-25μm |
2μm-25μm |
2μm-25μm |
2μm-25μm |
2μm-25μm |
2μm-25μm |
2μm-25μm |
Mineral Plate Size |
φ124mm |
φ124mm |
φ166mm |
φ124mm |
φ166mm |
φ124mm |
φ166mm |
φ78mm |
Telescopic range of support arm |
0-440° |
0-440° |
0-440° |
0-440° |
0-440° |
0-440° |
0-440° |
0-440° |
Arm Lifting Range |
0-270° |
0-270° |
0-270° |
0-270° |
0-270° |
0-270° |
0-270° |
0-270° |
Lifting Range For Lifter |
- |
0-200mm |
0-200mm |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Pitch Angle |
270° |
270° |
270° |
270° |
270° |
270° |
270° |
270° |
Rotor Angle |
360° |
360° |
360° |
360° |
360° |
360° |
360° |
360° |
Timer |
Mechanical/Electronic |
Mechanical |
Mechanical |
Mechanical |
Electronic |
Electronic |
Electronic |
Electronic |
Package Measurement |
340mm×225mm×495mm |
605mm×485mm×225mm |
670mm×320mm×255mm |
670mm×475mm×345mm |
670mm×475mm×345mm |
605mm×485mm×225mm |
605mm×485mm×225mm |
670mm×475mm×345mm |
Impedance |
<200Ω |
<200Ω |
<200Ω |
<200Ω |
<200Ω |
<200Ω |
<200Ω |
<200Ω |
Watt |
250 |
250 |
250 |
250 |
250 |
250 |
250 |
250 |
Net Weight |
5kg |
9kg |
9kg |
16.5kg |
16.5kg |
9kg |
9kg |
16.5kg |
Gross Weight |
5.5kg |
10kg |
10kg |
17kg |
17kg |
10kg |
10kg |
17kg |